Bibliography and References
The following bibliographies were originally compiled by
Humor and Psychology
Don Nilsen, Executive Secretary of the
International Society for Humor Studies.
I have also made some additions.
For additional bibliographies click here
(Revised November, 1999)
Apter, Michael J. The Experience of Motivation: The Theory of Psychological Reversals. San Diego, CA: Academic Press, 1982.
Apter, Michael J., and K. C. P. Smith. "Humour and the Theory of Psychological Reversals." It's a Funny Thing, Humour." Eds. Antony Chapman and Hugh Foot. NY: Pergamon, 1977, 95-100.
Atkin, John R. "A Designed Locale for Laughter to Reinforce Community Bonds." It's a Funny Thing, Humour. Eds. Antony Chapman and Hugh Foot. NY: Pergamon, 1977, 463-64.
Auboin, Elie. Technique et Psychologie du Comique. Marseilles, France: OFEP, 1948.
Avant, K. M. "Humor and Self Disclosure." Psychological Reports 50.1 (1982): 253-254.
Berger, Arthur Asa. "On Mind and Mirth: Psychology and Humor." Blind Men and Elephants: Perspectives on Humor. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Press, 1995, 121-138.
Bariaud, Françoise. "Comprehension and Emotional Adhesion in the Genetics of Humour." It's a Funny Thing, Humour. NY: Pergamon, 1977, 229-32.
Bennett, K. C. "Affective Aspect of Comedy." Genre 14.2 (1981): 191-205.
Bergen, Doris. "Development of the Sense of Humor." The Sense of Humor: Explorations of a Personality Characteristic. Ed. Willibald RLuch. Berlin, Germany: Mouton de Gruyter, 1998, 329-360.
Berger, Arthur Asa. "Humor: An Introduction." American Behavioral Scientist. 30 (1987): 6-15.
Bergler, Edmund. Laughter and the Sense of Humor. 1956.
Bergson, Henri. Laughter. Garden City, NY: Doubleday/Anchor, 1956.
Berkowitz, L. "Aggressive Humor as a Stimulus to Aggressive Responses." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 16 (1970): 710-17.
Blank, Arthur M., Moira Tweedale, Mario Cappeli, and David Ryback. "Influence of Trait Anxiety on Perception of Humor." Perceptual and Motor Skills 57 (1983): 103-106.
Blissett, S. E., A. M. Nezu, and C. M. Nezu. "Sense of Humor as a Moderator of the Relation between Stressful Events and Psychological Distress: A Prospective Analysis. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 54.3 (1988): 520-525.
Brisland, S. G., R. A. Castle, J. W. Dann, D. McGarry, R. N. Smith, and A. J. Snow. "Laughter in the Basement." It's a Funny Thing, Humour. Eds. Antony Chapman and Hugh Foot. NY: Pergamon, 1977, 461-62.
Brownell, H. H., and H. Gardner. "Neuropsychological Insights into Humour." Laughing Matters: A Serious Look at Humour. Eds. J. Durant and J. Miller. London, England: Longman Scientific and Technical, 1988, 17-34.
Byrne, D. "Relationship between Humor and the Expression of Hostility." Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology." 53 (1956): 84-89.
Campbell, Joseph, ed. The Portable Jung. New York: Penguin, 1971.
Cann, Arnie, Kitty Holt, and Lawrence G. Calhoun. "The Roles of Humor and Sense of Humor in Responses to Stressors." HUMOR: International Journal of Humor Research 12.2 (1999): 177-194.
Carroll, James L. "The Relationship between Humor Appreciation and Perceived Physical Health." Psychology: A Journal of Human Behavior 27.2 (1990): 34-37.
Carroll, John M. "Modularity and Naturalness in Cognitive Science." Metaphor and Symbolic Activity 3.2 (1988): 61-86.
Casler, Lawrence. "Put the Blame on Name." Psychological Reports 36 (1975): 467-472.
Cetola, H. W. "Toward a Cognitive-Appraisal Model of Humor Appreciation." HUMOR: International Journal of Humor Research 1.3 (1988): 245-248.
Chafe, W. "Humor as a Disabling Mechanism." American Behavioral Scientist 30 (1987): 16-26.
Chang, M., and Charles R. Gruner. "Audience Reaction to Self-Disparaging Humor." Southern Speech Communication Journal. 46 (1981): 419-426.
Chapman, Antony J. "Social Aspects of Humorous Laughter." Humor and Laughter: Theory, Research, and Applications. Eds. Antony J. Chapman, and Hugh C. Foot. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction, 1996, 155-186.
Chapman, Antony J., and Hugh C. Foot. It's a Funny Thing, Humour. New York: Pergamon, 1977.
Chapman, Antony J., and Hugh C. Foot, eds. Humor and Laughter: Theory, Research, and Applications. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction, 1996.
Chapman, Antony J., and Hugh C. Foot. "Psychology of Humor." Trends in Neurosciences 4 (1981): 9.
Christie, G. L. "Some Psychological Aspects of Humor." International Journal of Psycho-Analysis. 75 (1994): 479-489.
Clark, Michael. "Humor, Laughter, and the Structure of Thought." British Journal of Aesthetics. 27.3 (Summer, 1987).
Collins, Christopher. The Written Image: Verbal Play, Interpretation, and the Roots of Iconophobia. University Park, PA: Penn State Univ Press, 1991.
Cooper, Anthony Ashley. Sensus Communis: An Essay on the Freedom of Wit and Humor. New York: Garland, 1971.
Coser, R. L. "Laughter among Colleagues: A Study of the Social Functions of Humor among the Staff of a Mental Hospital." Psychiatry 23.1 (1960): 81-95.
Cottell, R. "Personality Factors in Response to Humor." Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology 42 (1947): 402-421.
Craik, Kenneth H., Martin D. Lampert, and Arvalea J. Nelson. "Sense of Humor and Styles of Every-Day Humorous Conduct" HUMOR: International Journal of Humor Research 9.3-4 (1996): 273-302.
Dale, A., M. A. Hudak, and N. A. Yovetich. "Benefits of Humor in Reduction of Threat-Induced Anxiety." Psychological Reports 66 (1990): 51-58.
Dale, J. A. M. A. Hudak, and P. Wasikowski. "Effects of Dyadic Participation and Awareness of Being Monitored on Facial Action During Exposure to Humor." Perceptual and Motor Skills 73.3 (1991): 984-986.
Danzer, Amy, J. Alexander Dale, and Herbert L. Klions. "Effect of Exposure to Humorous Stimuli on Induced Depression." Psychological Reports 66.3 (1990): 1027-1036.
Davis, Hank. "On the Names of Animal Behaviorists." Journal of Biological Psychology 36 (1974): 73-76.
Davis, Hank. "A Further Penetration into the Deep and Enthralling Mystery of Names." Journal of Biological Psychology 20 (1978): 101-104.
Deaner, S. L., and J. T. McConatha. "Relationship of Humor to Depression and Personality." Psychological Reports 72.3 (1993): 755-763.
Deckers, Lambert. "On the Validity of a Weight-Judging Paradigm for the Study of Humor." HUMOR: International Journal of Humor Research 6.1 (1993): 43-56.
Deckers, Lambert, R. T. Buttram, and D. Winstead. "Sensitization of Humor Responses to Cartoons." Motivation and Emotion 13 (1989): 71-81.
Deckers, Lambert, and J. Devine. "Humor by Violating an Existing Expectancy." Journal of Psychology 108 (1981): 107-110.
Deckers, Lambert, and D. Hricik. "Orienting and Humor Responses: A Synthesis." Motivation and Emotion 8 (1984): 183-204.
Deckers, Lambert, and P. Kizer. "Humor and the Incongruity Hypothesis." Journal of Psychology 90 (1975): 215-218.
Deckers, Lambert, and Willibald Ruch. "Sensation Seeking and the Situational Humor Response Questionnaire--Its Relationship in American and German Samples, Personality and Individual Differences." 13.9 (1992): 1051-1054.
Deckers, Lambert, and D. M. Rotondo. "Use of Humor at Work: Predictors and Implications." Psychological Reports 84 (1999): 961-968.
Deckers, Lambert, and D. Salais. "Humor as a Negatively Accelerated Function of the Degree of Incongruity." Motivation and Emotion 7.4 (1983): 357-363.
Dent, Cathy H. "Developmental Studies of Perception and Metaphor: The Twain Shall Meet." Metaphor and Symbolic Activity 2.1 (1987): 53-72.
Derks, Peter. "Twenty Years of Research on Humor: A View from the Edge." Humor and Laughter: Theory, Research, and Applications. Eds. Antony J. Chapman, and Hugh C. Foot. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction, 1996, vii-xxv.
lDerks, Peter, and Sanjay Arora. "Sex and Salience in the Appreciation of Cartoon Humor." Humor: International Journal of Humor Research 6.1 (1993): 57-70.
Derks, Peter, John B. Gardner, and Rohit Agarwal. "Recall of Innocent and Tendentious Humorous Material." HUMOR: International Journal of Humor Research 11.1 (1998): 5-20.
Derks, Peter, C. B. McAninch, and J. L. Austin. "Effect of Caption Meaning in Memory for Nonsense Figures." Current Psychology: Research and Reviews 11 (1992): 315-323.
Dixon, P. N., W. K. Willingham, C. K. Chandler, and K. McDougal. "Relating Social Interest and Dogmatism to Happiness and Sense of Humor." Individual Psychology--The Journal of Adlerian Theory and Practice 42.3 (1986): 421-427.
Donoghu, E. E., M. W. McCarrey, and R. Clement. "Humor Appreciation as a Function of Canned Laughter, A Mirthful Companion, and Field Dependence--Facilation and Inhibitory Effects." Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science 15.2 (1983): 150-162.
Doskock, P. "Happily Ever Laughter." Psychology Today. July-August, 1996: 33-35.
Duchowny, Michael S. "Pathological Disorders of Laughter." Handbook of Humor Research. Volume 1. Eds. Paul McGhee and Jeffrey Goldstein. NY: Springer-Verlag, 1983, 89-108.
Dworkin, E. S., and J. S. Efran. "The Angered: Their Susceptibility to Varieties of Humor." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 6 (1967): 233-36.
Eastman, Max. The Sense of Humor. New York, NY: Scribner, 1921.
Ekman, P., R. J. Davidson, and D. Salais. "Duchenne Smile: Emotional Expression and Brain Physiology II." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology." 58 (1990): 342-353.
Endlich, E. "Teaching the Psychology of Humor." Teaching of Psychology." 20.3 (1993): 181-183.
Eysenck, H. J. "The Appreciation of Humor: An Experimental and Theoretical Study." British Journal of Psychology 32 (1942): 295-309.
Fainsilber, Lynn, and Andrew Ortony. "Metaphorical Uses of Language in the Expression of Emotions." Metaphor and Symbolic Activity 2.4 (1987): 239-50.
Feingold, Alan, and Ronald Mazzella. "Preliminary Validation of a Multidimensional Model of Wittiness." Journal of Personality 61.3 (1993): 439-456.
Fine, Gary A. "Components of Perceived Sense of Humor Ratings of Self and Others." Psychological Reports 36 (1975): 793-794.
Fisher, Seymour, and Rhoda L. Fisher. "Personality and Psychopathology in the Comic." Handbook of Humor Research. Volume l. Eds. Paul McGhee and Jeffrey Goldstein. NY: Springer-Verlag, 1983, 41-60.
Fisher, Seymour, and Rhoda L. Fisher. Pretend the World is Funny and Forever. NY: Erlbaum, 1981.
Fisher, Seymour, and Rhoda L. Fisher. The Psychology of Adaptation to Absurdity: Tactics of Make-Believe. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1993.
Flieger, Jerry Aline. The Purloined Punch Line: Freud's Comic Theory and the Postmodern Text. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins Univ Press, 1991.
Foot, Hugh C., "The Psychology of Humor and Laughter." Psychology and Social Issues Eds. R. Colchrane, and D. Caroll, London, England: Falmer Press, 1991, 1-14.
Foot, Hugh C., and Antony J. Chapman. "The Social Responsiveness of Young Children in Humorous Situations." Humor and Laughter: Theory, Research, and Applications. Eds. Antony J. Chapman, and Hugh C. Foot. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction, 1996, 187-214.
Forabosco, Giovannantonio. "Cognitive Aspects of the Humor Process: The Concept of Incongruity." Humor: International Journal of Humor Research 5.1-2 (1992): 45-68.
Forabosco, Giovannantonio. Il Settimo Senso: Psicologia del Senso Dell'umorismo: Con Istruzioni per l'Uso. Padova, Italy: Franco Muzzio, 1994.
Frank, Mark G., and Paul Ekman. "Not All Smiles are Created Equal: The Differences Between Enjoyment and Nonenjoyment Smiles." Humor: International Journal of Humor Research 6.1 (1993): 6-26.
Frank, Mark G., Paul Ekman, and W. V. Friessen. "Behavioural Markers and Recognizability of the Smile of Enjoyment." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. (1992).
Franzini, Louis R., and Susan Haggerty. "Humor Assessment of Corporate Managers and Humor Seminar and Personality Students." HUMOR: International Journal of Humor Research 7.4 (1994): 341-350.
Frecknall, P. "Good Humor--A Qualitative Study of the Uses of Humor in Everyday Life." Psychology: A Quarterly Journal of Human Behavior 31.1 (1994): 12-21.
Friedman-Erickson, S. "Moral Development and Appreciation of Aggressive Humor: A Review of the Literature." (1992).
Freud, Sigmund. "Humour." International Journal of Psychoanalysis 9 (1928): 1-6; also in Sigmund Freud: Collected Papers. Ed. J. Starchey. New York, NY: Basic Books, 1959.
Freud, Sigmund. Jokes and their Relation to the Unconscious. New York, NY: Penguin, 1976.
Freud, Sigmund. Wit and Its Relation to the Unconscious. Trans. A. A. Brill. NY: Moffat, Yard, and Co, 1917.
Fry, William F. "The Appeasement Function of Mirthful Laughter." It's a Funny Thing, Humour. Eds. Antony Chapman and Hugh Foot. NY: Pergamon, 1977, 23-26.
Fry, William F. Sweet Madness: A Study of Humor. Palo Alto, CA: Pacific Books, 1963.
Fry, William F., and Melanie Allen. "Humour as Creative Experience: The Development of a Hollywood Humorist." Humor and Laughter: Theory, Research, and Applications. Eds. Antony J. Chapman, and Hugh C. Foot. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction, 1996, 245-258.
Fry, William F., and Melanie Allen. Life Studies of Comedy Writers. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction, 1998.
Fry, William F., and Melanie Allen. Make 'em Laugh: Life Studies of Comedy Writers. Palo Alto, CA: Science and Behavior Books, 1975.
Galloway, Graeme, and Arthur Cropley. "Benefits of Humor for Mental Health: Empirical Findings and Directions for Further Research." HUMOR: International Journal of Humor Research 12.3 (1999): 301-314.
Gavanski, I. "Differential Sensitivity and Humor Ratings and Mirth Responses on Cognitive and Affective Components of Humor Responses." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 51.1 (1986): 209-14.
Gelkopf, Marc, Shulamith Kreitler, and Mircea Sigal. "Laughter in a Psychiatric Ward: Somatic, Emotional, Social, and Clinical Influences on Schizophrenic Patients." Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. 181.5 (1993): 283-289.
Gelkopf, Marc, and Mircea Sigal. "It is Not Enough to Have them Laugh: Hostility, Anger, and Humor-Coping in Schizophrenic Patients." HUMOR: International Journal of Humor Research 8.3 (1995): 273-284.
Gerber, W. S., and D. K. Routh. "Humor Response as Related to Violation of Expectancies and to Stimulus Intensity in a Weight Judgement Task." Perceptual and Motor Skills 41 (1975): 673-674.
Gibb, Heather, and Roger Wales. "Metaphor or Simile: Psychological Determinants of the Differential Use of Each Sentence Form." Metaphor and Symbolic Activity 5.4 (1990): 199-214.
Gibbs, R. W. "On the Psycholinguistics of Sarcasm." Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 115 (1986): 3-15.
Giles, Howard, Richard Y. Bourhis, Nicholas J. Gadfield, Graham J. Davies, and Ann P. Davies. "Cognitive Aspects of Humour in Social Interaction: A Model and Some Linguistic Data." Humor and Laughter: Theory, Research, and Applications. Eds. Antony J. Chapman, and Hugh C. Foot. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction, 1996, 139-154.
Giora, Rachel. "On the Cognitive Aspects of the Joke." Journal of Pragmatics 16 (1991): 465-485.
Godkewitsch, Michael. "Physiological and Verbal Indices of Arousal in Rated Humour." Humor and Laughter: Theory, Research, and Applications. Eds. Antony J. Chapman, and Hugh C. Foot. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction, 1996, 117-138.
Goldstein, Jeffrey H. "Repetition, Motive Arousal, and Humor Appreciation." Journal of Experimental Research Personality. 4 (1970): 90-94.
Goldstein, Jeffrey H., and Paul E. McGhee, eds. The Psychology of Humor. NY: Academic Press, 1972.
Goldstein, Jeffrey H., Jerry M. Suls, and Susan Anthony. "Enjoyment of Specific Types of Humor Content: Motivation or Salience? The Psychology of Humor. Eds. Jeffrey Goldstein and Paul McGhee. NY: Academic Press, 1972, 159-72.
Goodchilds, Jacqueline D. "On Being Witty: Causes, Correlates and Consequences. The Psychology of Humor. Eds. J. H. Goldstein, and P. E. McGhee. New York, NY: Academic Press, 1972, 173-193.
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Grotjahn, Martin. Beyond Laughter: Humor and the Subconscious. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1957.
Grumet, Gerald W. "Laughter: Nature's Epileptoid Catharsis." Psychological Reports 65 (1989): 1059-1078.
Gruner, Charles R. "Wit and Humour in Mass Communication." Humor and Laughter: Theory, Research, and Applications. Eds. Antony J. Chapman, and Hugh C. Foot. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction, 1996, 287-312.
Hageseth, Christian III. A Laughing Place: The Art and Psychology of Positive Humor in Love and Adversity. Fort Collins, CO: Berwick, 1988.
Hall, Stephen S. "Journey to the Center of My Mind." New York Times Magazine (June 6, 1999): 122-128.
Hampes, William P. "Relation between Humor and Generativity." Psychology Reports 73.1 (1993): 131-136.
Hampes, William P. "The Relationship between Humor and Trust." HUMOR: International Journal of Humor Research 12.3 (1999): 253-260.
Hampes, William P. "Relationship between Intimacy and Humor." Psychological Reports 71.1 (1992): 127-130.
Hampes, William P. "Relationship Between Intimacy and the Multidimensional Sense of Humor Scale." Psychological Reports 74.3 (1994): 1360-1362.
Hehl, Franz-Josef, and Willibald Ruch. "Conservatism as a Predictor of Responses to Humour-III. The Prediction of Appreciation of Incongruity-Resolution Based Humor by Content Saturated Attitude Scales in Five Samples." Personality and Individual Differences 11 (1990)?: 439-445.
Hehl, Franz-Josef, and Willibald Ruch. "The Location of Sense of Humor within Comprehensive Personality Spaces: An Exploratory Study." Personality and Individual Differences 6 (1985): 703-715.
Herbert, C. "Comedy: The World of Pleasure." Genre 17.4 (1984): 401-416.
Herzog, T. R., and D. A. Larwiln. "Appreciation of Humor in Captioned Cartoons." Journal of Psychology 122 (1988): 597-607.
Hill, Carl. The Soul of Wit: Joke Theory from Grimm to Freud. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 1993.
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Hirt, M., and J. Genshaft. "Effects of Incongruity and Complexity on the Perception of Humor." Personality and Individual Differences 3.4 (1982): 453-455.
Hobden, Karen L., and James M. Olson. "From Jest to Antipathy: Disparagement Humor as a Source of Dissonance-Motivated Attitude Change." Basic and Applied Psychology 15.3 (1994): 239-249.
Hoffman, Robert R., and Susan Kemper. "What Could Reaction-Time Studies Be Telling Us About Metaphor Comprehension?" Metaphor and Symbolic Activity 2.3 (1987): 149-86.
Holland, Norman N. Laughing: A Psychology of Humor. Ithaca, NY: Cornell Univ Press, 1982.
Hoppe, R. A. "Artificial Humor and Uncertainty." Perceptual and Motor Skills 42 (1976): 1051-1056.
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Hudak, Deborah A., J. Alexander Dale, Mary A. Hudak, and Douglas E. DeGood. "Effects of Humorous Stimuli and Sense of Humor on Discomfort." Psychological Reports 69 (1991): 779-786.
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Jones, James M., and Hollis V. Liverpool. "Calypso Humour in Trinidad." Humor and Laughter: Theory, Research, and Applications. Eds. Antony J. Chapman, and Hugh C. Foot. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction, 1996, 259-286.
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Kahn, W. A. "To Wit--Humor and the Journal of Applied Behavioural Science." Journal of Applied Behavioural Science 26.1 (1990): 107-110.
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Keith-Spiegel, Patricia C. "Early Conceptions of Humor: Varieties and Issues." The Psychology of Humor. Eds. J. H. Goldstein, and P. E. McGhee. New York, NY: Academic Press, 1972. 81-100.
Klein, Allen. "Humor and Death: You've Got to be Kidding!" In Context 13 (1986): 43-44.
Klein, Gary A. "Applications of Analogical Reasoning." Metaphor and Symbolic Activity 2.3 (1987): 201-218.
Kline, Paul. "Individual Differences in Humour." It's a Funny Thing, Humour. Eds. Antony Chapman and Hugh Foot. NY: Pergamon, 1977, 375-78.
Kline, Paul. "The Psychoanalytic Theory of Humour and Laughter." It's a Funny Thing, Humour. Eds. Antony Chapman and Hugh Foot. NY: Pergamon, 1977, 7-12.
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Kuhlman, T. L. "Study of Salience and Motivational Theories of Humour." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 49.1 (1985): 281-286.
Kuiper, Nicholas A., and Rod A. Martin. "Humor and Self-Concept." HUMOR: International Journal of Humor Research 6.3 (1993): 251-270.
Kuiper, Nicholas A., Rod A. Martin, and K. A. Dance. "Sense of Humor and Enhanced Quality of Life." Personality and Individual Differences 13.12 (1992): 1273-1283.
Kuiper, N. A., Rod A. Martin, I. J. Olinger, S. S. Kazarian, and J. I. Jetté. "Sense of Humor, Self-Concept, and Psychological Well-Being in Psychiatric Inpatients." HUMOR: International Journal of Humor Research 11.4 (1998): 357-382.
LaFave, Haddad, and W. A. Maesen. "Superiority, Enhanced Self-Esteem, and Perceived Incongruity Humour Theory." Humor and Laughter: Theory, Research, and Application. Eds. A. J. Chapman, and Hugh C. Foot. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers, 63-92.
LaFrance, Marianne. "Felt Versus Feigned Funniness: Issues in Coding Smiling and Laughing." Handbook of Humor Research. Volume 1. Eds. Paul McGhee and Jeffrey Goldstein. NY: Springer-Verlag, 1983, 1-12.
Labott, S. M., S. Ahleman, M. Wolever, and R. Martin. "The Physiological and Psychological Effects of the Expression and Inhibition of Emotion." Behavioral Medicine 16.4 (1990): 182-189.
Labott, S. M., Rod B. Martin, P. S. Eason, and E. Y. Berkey. "Social Reactions to the Expression of Emotion." Cognition and Emotion 5.5-6 (1991): 397-417.
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Lampert, Martin, and Susan Ervin-Tripp. "Exploring Paradigms: The Study of Gender and Sense of Humor Near the End of the 20th Century." The Sense of Humor: Explorations of a Personality Characteristic. Ed. Willibald Ruch. Berlin, Germany: Mouton de Gruyter, 1998: 231-270.
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LeBlanc, Paul. "Asserting the Ego: Ernst Kris's Comic Theory." Thalia: Studies in Literary Humor 9.2 (1987): 15-23.
LaFave, Lawrence, Jay Haddad, and William A. Maesen. "Superiority, Enhanced Self-Esteem, and Perceived Incongruity Humour Theory." Humor and Laughter: Theory, Research, and Applications. Eds. Antony J. Chapman, and Hugh C. Foot. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction, 1996, 63-92.
LaFave, L., J. Haddad, and W. A. Maeson. "Superiority, Enhanced Self-Esteem and Perceived Incongruity Humor. Humor and Laughter: Theory, Research, and Application. Eds. A. J. Chapman, and H. C. Foot. New York, NY: Wiley, 1976
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Lefcourt, Herbert M. "Perspective-Taking Humor and Authoritarianism as Predictors of Anthropocentrism." HUMOR: International Journal of Humor Research 9.1 (1996): 61-75.
Lefcourt, Herbert M., P. Antrobus, and E. Hogg. "Humor Response and Humor Production as a Function of Locus of Control, Field Dependence, and Type of Reinforcement." Journal of Personality 42 (1974): 632-654.
Lefcourt, Herbert M., Karina Davidson, Robert Shepherd, Margory Phillips, Kenneth Prkachin, and David Mills. "Perspective-Taking in Humor: Accounting for Stress Moderation." Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology 14.4 (1995): 373-392.
Lefcourt, Herbert M., and Robert Shepherd. "Organ Donation, Authoritarianism, and Perspective-Taking Humor." Journal of Research in Personality. 29 (1995): 121-138.
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Lefcourt, Herbert M., and S. Thomas. "Humor and Stress Revisited." The Sense of Humor: Explorations of a Personality Characteristic. Ed. Willibald Ruch. Berlin, Germany: Mouton de Gruyter, 1998: 179-202.
Leventhal, Howard, and Martin A. Safer. "Individual Differences, Personality and Humour Appreciation." It's a Funny Thing, Humour. Eds. Antony Chapman and Hugh Foot. NY: Pergamon, 1977, 335-50.
Levin, Max. "Wit and Schizophrenic Thinking." American Journal of Psychiatry 113 (1957): 917-19.
Levine, Jacob. "Humor as a Disturbing Stimulus." Journal of General Psychology 60 (1959): 191-200.
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Levine, Jacob, and F. C. Redlich. "Failure to Understand Humor." Psychoanalytic Quarterly 24 (1955): 560-572.
Liu, Fuchang. "Humor as Violations of the Reality Principle." HUMOR: International Journal of Humor Research 8.2 (1995): 177-190.
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