Kid's Riddles
This first one is not a riddle but it will get you started.
A little girl goes to see the doctor. She's got a pea in one
nostril, a grape in the other, and a string bean stuck in her ear. She says to the doctor,
"I don't feel good."
The doctor replies, "The problem is clear to me. You're not eating right!"
New Riddles May, 2000
What did the chewing gum say to the shoe?
What did the the silly comedian bake on his day off?
What is black and white and pink all over?
What did one mountain say to the other mountain?
What bird steals from the rich to give to the poor?
What did the toilet say to the other toilet?
The math teacher saw that little Johnny wasn't paying attention in class.
She called on him and said, "Johnny! what are 4, 2, 28 and 44?"
1.Why did the woman wear a helmet at the dinner table?
2. Why didn't the hotdog star in the
3. Have you heard about the restaurant on
the moon?
4. What do you call a fairy that hasn't
taken a bath?
5. Why do birds fly south?
6.What time is it when an elephant sites
on a fence?
7. Which word in the dictionary is
spelled incorrectly?
8. What is the cannibals favorite game?
9. What do you call a scared dinosaur?
10. Why are Teddy Bears never hungry?
11. Who granted the fish's wish?
The following was submitted by HumorMatters visitor Kara
12. How do change a pumpkin into another
13. Why is Dracula so unpopular?
14. If you are American outside of the
bathroom what are you when you are inside the bathroom?
15. What did the snail say
when she climbed up on the turtle's back?
16. Why did the cowboy buy a dachshund?
The next 2 riddles are from Internet Surfer Kelly age 16.
17. Who always steals the soap in the bathroom?
18. What do you call a lamb attack ship?