Here are some non-humor related but valuable web sites
Sites below include:
Just for Fun This is a fun site to create your own puzzles such as word puzzles, etc.
Travel Related
Best Fares Travel Magazine If you travel this site is a MUST. I have been a member for years and have saved thousands of dollars on airline tickets, hotel rooms, rental cars, etc. This is a wonderful organization.
Health Related
Healing Matters Here you will find thoughts and observations on health and healing written by Barry Sultanoff, MD.
Mind/Body Med This site offers information about stress relief and mind/body medicine.
Health World Online This is a holistic health oriented website to help you with health and wellness.
American Holistic Health Association AHHA can point you in the direction of resources and practitioners who are aligned with a holistic perspective.
Calendar of Alternative Medicine Programs This is a great site to check the health events happening all over the country.
Check out this site for information about accupressure. I have
used the books and information for years and find it very useful.
Wellness Reproductions and Publishing: Resources in the Mental Health and Educational fields.
AtHealth This site offers information and resources for both mental and physical health.
The Way Up This is a holisitc health information site with resources and products for health and wellness.
Web Related This sites informs you about the "traffic" on the internet worldwide. It indicates where the traffic is heavy and light.
Shopping and Products Related
The Recycler This is a great resource for used and new items from all sorts of categories.
New River Groves This
is the home of one of Florida's finest gift stores and fruit shipping facilities. This site sells computer supplies over the internet. Their prices are excellent as it the service. I ordered 2 products one afternoon and they were delivered to my door by 2:00pm the next day. Check them out.
WebPromotions This is a great site to pick up clip art. Most of the clip art is Free.
This site offers a
great resource and links for information on all sorts of issues related to parenting