Is there another alternative that I might try?
After all I am an ancient, two thousand years old!
How ‘bout a brew, Miller, Bud, or Olympia Gold.
I don’t want cookies, I’m tired of milk!
He voice was like burlap, nothing like silk
I looked at Santa, “I’m Sorry.” I said
“I’m sorry too, I 'll return to my sled!”
“Wait a moment Santa! I’ll fix ya right up!”
I ran for the fridge to fill him a cup.
Why Santa ol’ chap, I know what we’ll do!
We'll search the web for a recommended brew!
We rushed to the net, we clicked, and we read
Santa was ecstatic but nothing was said.
Now calm down Santa, I said with a grin,
We’ll get you that brew. Where should we begin?
Santa pointed, I clicked, and we were well on our way
From tavern to tavern, we toured all that day,
There were lites, there were darks, and some pilsners, too
At Yee Ole Blarney Stone, we sampled some brew!
We narrowed it down to an old Irish porter,
So I rushed to my fridge to fill Santa’s order.
He popped off the top, sniffed it, then drank,
Those experts weren’t kiddin’, they know how to rank!
His eyes how they sparkled, his cheeks, how merry,
He belched, then sighed, then grew quite weary.
Then as if by magic he rose in a flash
That's all for tonight, I don't want to crash!
He jumped to his sleigh, and gave me a wink
You’ll get what you need! Thanks for the drink!
And I heard him exclaim, as he tore out of sight,
“Merry Christmas to all, and to all please drink right!”